Friday, May 05, 2006

Where the heck are the scissors!

I am the most annoying person I know. I have no idea why people like me, when they do, because I'm such a pain in the bum. And not only do I find myself annoying, I also drive myself crazy. For instance . . . I must have about 14 pairs of scissors. All colors, all sizes. I buy a pair probably every few months or so.

Why this fixation with scissors? Do I have a scissors fetish? Perhaps a collection? Do I have a 14-room house that requires a pair in every room?

Non, mon ami . . .

The simple fact is that I have no freaking idea in hell, at any given time, where those scissors are. Though right now I'm looking at a pair and wondering when I put them there. Not to worry, they'll disappear in an hour or so when I pick them up to use them.

Good thing is I won't ever hurt myself running with scissors. I'll pick them up and start running, but when I look down at my hand they'll be gone.

Which leads me to the reason for this post. This isn't the first post I've published. I have another blog on this same website. Unfortunately, I have no idea what my user name and password are so I can't get in. Hence, I have now created a *new* blog . . . this blog. Hopefully, I'll remember in the next day or so, my user name and password so I can bore you with another rant.

Which leads me to another thought: I am the most boring person I know . . .